Natural Health and Beauty Handmade in Brooklyn

How to Make a Crystal Grid June 14, 2020 05:00


In this week's issue of Earth Speaks "How-To's," we will be showing you how to create a powerful tool of manifestation-- the crystal grid.
A crystal grid is the arrangement of stones in a geometric pattern to channel energy towards a specific purpose or goal. The crystals are charged by being close to one another (in a sacred geometric design), and most importantly, by your intention.  
The union of those elements and energies can be stronger than using a single crystal for working towards an intended goal. If you have many crystals at home, no matter the size, they can be put to use in a crystal grid! Many people recommend having a clear quartz point for it is an excellent "activator," and has the ability to direct energy.
Most importantly just have fun with it and trust your intuition!

View our online collection of crystals here!

Step One-- Set Your Intention. Your intention can be specific or general, just a goal or intention that you want to manifest in your life. This can be anything from increasing your creativity and inspiration to opening your heart to love. It is entirely up to you! You might want to choose an "area" of your life that you want to work on, or a feeling that you want to create more of. Some examples include boosting creativity and inspiration, helping to bring more financial stability to your family, and increasing feelings of peace and serenity in your life. 
Set Two-- Choose Your Crystals. You can create crystal grids for many different purposes, so what you want to use it for determines which crystals you'll be using. As I said above, feel free to just follow your intuition and choose the stones that you feel most drawn to in that moment or with your intention in mind. It is also recommended to go by the prescribed meanings of the crystals. For example, if you are making a grid for wealth and prosperity, you may want to include crystals that are known to help promote those things such as jade, pyrite and citrine. 
Step Three- Cleanse Your Space & Find a Place For Your Grid. Burning herbs or incense can help to clear the energy of a particular space so that you can start fresh with your intention. You can use sage in the form of a bundle, also known as a "smudge stick." This can include other herbs such as rosemary, juniper, cedar and more, if you prefer to use something other than sage. Other cleansing tools include burning incense, sound cleansing (Tibetan singing bowl), or having bowls of sea salts or pink Himalayan salt present in the room. 

Find a safe place to set up your crystal grid, somewhere you can leave it and it will be undisturbed for a while. You might also want to set a calming or ambient mood while you are constructing your crystal grid by putting on music, lighting candles or having an aromatherapy diffuser on. 
Step Four- Stating Your Intention. Write your intention or goal down on a small piece of paper. You may also write it on the back of a photo that represents or depicts your intention, or even a drawing of it. Be as clear as possible in your description. Fold it up and set it aside until you get to the last step.
Step Five- Laying Out Your Crystals. You can use a template for guidance if you'd like, they're fairly easy to find if you want to purchase (or make your own) crystal grid cloth. That will provide you with a layout to follow with specific areas to place the stones. You can also simply place them in a geometric pattern, without using any type of grid cloth. In the photo above, I used a hand-embroidered cloth from my grandmother that is special to me. You can also go this route!

Start from the exterior and move towards the center, all the while keeping your intention in mind. Be sure to leave a space in the center of your arrangement-- that is where your written intention and "master crystal" will go.
Step Six- Choose Your "Master Crystal." Your master crystal, as mentioned above, will be the primary energy source, located at the center of your grid. It can be any crystal that you choose with mindfulness and intuition. It should be representative of the overall goal of your crystal grid. As with the other stones in the grid, you can make this selection based on which one you are personally drawn to, the defined purpose of the crystal, or both of these things combined.

You will also want to charge this crystal before you put it in the grid-- this can be done a few different ways. It is sometimes helpful to remember the five elements of Japanese Buddhism when thinking of crystal cleansing or charging: earth, water, fire, wind and void. 

Earth- surround your crystal with plants or bury it in the soil. Leave overnight or for 24 hours to charge it with Earth energy. 
Water- Leave your crystal in a bowl of water with a bit of sea salt. Be sure to check if the type of crystal you chose can withstand being left in water. Stones like selenite will dissolve or errode.
Fire- Surround your crystal with smoke from incense, sage or burning another type of herb or resin like frankincense. 
Wind- Leave your crystal on an open windowsill or outside for some hours to absorb the energy from the full moon, or from the sun. 
Void- This refers to pure energy, spirit and thought. You can charge your crystal simply by imbuing it with your energy, holding it in your hand as you breathe and meditate, focusing on your goal or intention.
Step Seven- Activate Your Crystal Grid. Sit down at your grid, take a deep breath and center yourself. With your written intention in one hand and your master crystal in the other, close your eyes and say your intention aloud or visualize it in your mind. Try to keep a calm, balanced and positive mindset. As you envision your goal, really think about what it will look like when you achieve it. Get as detailed as you like. With that in mind, take your written intention and place it in the center of the grid. Then place your master crystal on top of it. Continue to breathe deeply and stay grounded and focused. 

Energetically connect the stones in your grid by taking a Clear Quartz crystal point and drawing an invisible line from one crystal to the next, starting from the outside and going around all the way around until you reach the center, still keeping your intention in mind. You have now activated your crystal grid! You may want to say a little prayer or mantra of gratitude to finish up the process. Leave the grid in its location for up to 40 days and let it do its magic. 

Crystal grids can be a strong way to utilize and unite the energy of your crystals. Try it out today and feel free to send us a photo or post it on Instagram and tag us

How to Make Natural Face Oil June 13, 2020 10:32

Welcome to Earth Speaks How To's!

Making your own skin care and aromatherapy products at home is a great skill to have, not to mention a super fun activity! You can even do it with kids. The most important things you need to know are the following: what tools to use, what types of oils are right for your specific product, and how to use the appropriate ratios. We will provide you with all of that info and more in our new weekly 'at home' series, "ES How To's." 

How To Make Natural Face Oil

Step one is to gather your materials! See the list below to determine which essential oils and carrier oils are right for you, depending on your skin type and the weather.
"Normal" Skin:
Suggested Carrier Oils-
Suggested Essential Oils:
Dry/ Mature Skin:
Suggested Carrier Oils-
Suggested Essential Oils-
Oily/ Acne Prone Skin:
Suggested Carrier Oils-
Suggested Essential Oils-
*Oils that are underlined & in color are links to those products available on our online shop*

If you choose a few different carrier oils (ex. 1-3, but not limited to) and a few different essential oils (ex. 2-4, but not limited to), that would make a great recipe for your face oil! Of course, you can make a more complex blend with more than 4 different essential oils-- the only problem you could run into is how to make your fragrance balanced with that many components. 
Step Two. Gather your tools! Having the right tools can be just as important as the materials-- though you don't need to have anything fancy. See what you will need in the following list:
  • 1 ounce glass bottle (preferably a dark color such as amber or cobalt blue to keep the oil fresh for longer) with dropper
  • extra droppers, in case the essential oils you have don't have some sort of dropper mechanism on the top
  • glass beaker with pour-spout or just a kitchen measuring glass for easy pouring
  • small glass sample bottles, clear or otherwise (see photo below for example)
Plus some standard materials for cleaning up after like cleaning spray & paper towels, that's pretty much it!
Step Three. Formulate your recipe! This is the part that deals with ratios. Although you don't have to figure that out all on paper, you can do some adjusting based on scent as you make your essential oil blend. See below for some basic conversions. We're going to work in ounces and milliliters

1 mL= approx. 20 drops
30 mL= 1 ounce
1 ounce= 600 drops
3% blend in 1 ounce bottle: 18 drops of essential oil TOTAL

The bottles that we use for our face oil and the size we've instructed you to use is going to be 1 ounce. If you want to make a larger size, you'll have to adjust the amounts accordingly. 

You can find plenty of great essential oil dilution & conversion chart online, like this one on Mountain Rose Herbs, which even has an essential oil dilution calculator. 

We typically recommend making your face oil blends comprised of 3% essential oils and the rest carrier oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to use slightly less like 2%.
Step Four. Making Your Essential Oil Blend! Figuring out the ratio of the whole blend is simple, but deciding how much of each individual essential oil you want to use is a bit trickier.
  • So we know that a 3% blend in a 1 ounce bottle comes to 18 drops of essential oils total.
  • Now breakdown how many essential oils you're using and how much you'd like to use of each.
  • Example: You're using lavender, jasmine, lemon and geranium. You want it to have a relatively balanced scent. You might want to use 5 drops of lemon, 5 drops lavender, 4 drops geranium and 4 drops jasmine.
  • This also depends on the type of essential oil- in the example we use slightly less jasmine and geranium because they tend to have very strong scents that linger. 
  • Figure out your recipe and don't forget to write it down!
  • Test out your blend in the small sample bottle and adjust according to scent preferences. Shake or stir it around.
  • Drop the appropriate amount of your blend directly into your 1 ounce bottle. 
Step Five. Add Your Carrier Oil. You can be as precise or as lax as you want with this step. Carrier oil isn't concentrated like essential oil so there isn't the same risk of using too much of it in your blend. It is simply an unscented, moisturizing natural oil. It is considered the "base" of your face oil.
  • If you chose two different carrier oils then you can simply eyeball it and fill your bottle up with half of one and half of the other.
  • If you feel like measuring them out more precisely you can absolutely do so.
  • They do have different viscosities so you might want to consider adjusting the ratio to include smaller amounts of the thicker oils, if you think it will be too much for your skin. Or more of the thicker ones for dry skin! 
  • Pour each carrier oil into your bottle using the glass beaker or measuring cup pour spout until it is full (not too full because you still need to put the top on).
Step Six. Shake it Up and Use it! After you put the dropper top on give it a shake to integrate the essential oils & carrier oils and it's ready to go! Test a small patch on your arm first and wait a few minutes to see if you have any sort of adverse reaction to the oil before using. If not then it's your new moisurizer! Use daily or twice a day on a clean dry or damp face. About a dime size amount will be enough. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy your new face oil!

PS- In the list at the beginning, we linked the product pages from our website of the oils that we have available. Check them out if you need supplies, you can purchase them online and we deliver!

All About Natural Deodorant August 7, 2018 17:29 18 Comments

Key Elements in Making Natural Deodorant & How it Works

Some people express that they are careful about what they put on and into their bodies, yet don't feel comfortable doing the same in regards to their armpits because of body odor, stains and excessive sweating. Luckily for them, there are now plenty of readily available natural deodorants that cover all these bases-- and without plugging your pores with aluminum and other potentially harmful chemicals. To prevent human beings from releasing sweat altogether by way of 'antiperspirant' is unnatural and can lead to build up underneath the pores, causes inflammation and ultimately make you smell worse. Deodorant containing only natural ingredients won't make you stop sweating completely (some ingredients such as corn starch will help to absorb moisture, but not block your pores), and most importantly it will help you maintain a fresh scent that lasts throughout the day. 

This is why we at Earth Speaks feel compelled to teach a comprehensive workshop on how to make your very own natural deodorant-- fully tailored to your personal needs and body. The ingredients used in natural deodorants are inexpensive and easy to find, thus making it even more cost effective to simply make your own at home! Not to mention the fact that it is much better for your body and the environment in the long run. 

If you can't make it to our class, we'd like to give a brief breakdown of some ingredients that are frequently used in natural deodorants and explain what their benefits are. 

Coconut Oil

Further affirming its title as one of the 'cure-all' products of the natural beauty & wellness world, coconut oil is an excellent and common addition to natural deodorants. It has antibacterial properties, meaning that it will help protect against odor-causing bacteria.

Cornstarch or Arrowroot Powder

These natural powders are both great for absorbing and trapping moisture under your arms. Neither are considered to be "antiperspirants" by the FDA, for this title belongs solely to aluminum, since it prevents you from actually sweating in the first place. However, they are both 100% natural and effective in reducing moisture overall. They also have no scent, leaving that job to the essential oils of your choice.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is filled with a multitude of vitamins and healing properties (another "cure-all" ingredient in my book), such as vitamin E which is incredibly soothing for sensitive under arm skin. It is also moisturizing and won't dry out your skin or make it itch. Shea butter can also help eliminate dark discoloration in the underarm area. Last but not least, its anti-inflammatory properties provide relief from any shaving-related problems, such as bumpiness or ingrown hairs and freshly shaved armpits. 

Beeswax (or other paraben-free waxes)

The wax is what holds the deodorant together (if you are making a solid deodorant or stick deodorant). It will prevent it from melting in high temperatures-- the hotter the climate, the more wax you should add. We will be using beeswax in our workshop, but if you want to make a solid vegan deodorant then you could also use candelilla wax. Candelilla is also a natural product, and a multipurpose vegetable wax. 

Baking Soda or Magnesium Hydroxide

Baking soda is a useful ingredient in natural deodorant because it absorbs and neutralizes body odors. It also helps to prevent excessive sweating. Some people may experience skin irritation from baking soda, so another natural alternative is magnesium hydroxide. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils make up the fragrance of the deodorant. Certain essential oils such as tea tree, grapefruit, lavender, geranium and bergamot all have antibacterial properties, making them ideal components for natural deodorant. Ginger, rosemary, eucalyptus, cypress and lemon are also excellent additions, containing various healing properties.

Bentonite Clay/ Activated Charcoal 

Bentonite clay or activated charcoal are optional components, however if you are transitioning to natural deodorant from commercial deodorant, I would recommend you add one of these detoxifying ingredients. Both activated charcoal and bentonite clay are efficient at drawing toxins out of your body-- therefore on the chance that there is still some aluminum remaining in your sweat ducts from your previous antiperspirant, these detoxifiers will release it from your body. 

If you want to know more about the process of making your own natural deodorant, send us an email at and we will send you a handout from our workshop! There is also plenty of information online, but I would try to refer to credible sources and cross-reference them to gather the best knowledge possible. Also, be sure to sign up for our email list (located at the bottom of our site) to receive invites to monthly workshops such as this natural deodorant class. Thanks for reading! 


Instagram: @earthspeaksbrooklyn


Best Essential Oil Products for Traveling! April 19, 2017 17:30 15 Comments

Traveling is fun, yet exhausting-- it can have bad effects on your skin, lower your immune system and even get you sick. During air travel, the effects are even worse. During any trip, you want to be as healthy and relaxed as possible- that's why we've compiled a perfect travel bag list of Earth Speaks handmade natural products (for aromatherapy, skin care and overall health) to make it through your next trip. Side note: if you're traveling by plane, don't fret because they're all under 3.4 ounces!


1. Motion Sickness Inhaler

We love this inhaler blend! With dill weed, ginger, chamomile and peppermint (among others), this blend of essential oils is perfect for soothing the stomach and easing nausea. Peppermint oil is among the most effective oils in curing nausea and digestive issues. Our inhalers only contain a piece of cotton saturated with essential oils, so there is no liquid and no mess. They are the ideal shape and size to bring with you on a plane, train or bus!

2. Lip Balm

If you are traveling by airplane, the air inside of the pressurized cabin you are traveling in feels dry and stagnant. That's why it is very important to hydrate your skin, particularly your lips, while in flight. Our all natural lip balm contains cocoa butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, beeswax and organic essential oils.

3. Hydrating Face Oil

As previously mentioned, the air in an airplane can severely dry out your skin. In addition, depending on where you are traveling to, chances are that the climate is going to be different from the one that you came from. Using our Hydrating Face Oil once a day is a good way to keep your skin moisturized and your natural oils in balance. It can also help to protect your skin from the sun and other harsh weather conditions. 

4. Insomnia Relief Massage Oil

Sleeping in a new place can be hard to adjust to, especially if you factor in jet lag. This Insomnia Relief massage oil blend is ideal for applying immediately before you get into bed, to help aid sleep and relaxation. It contains essential oils such as lavender and roman chamomile, which are natural sedatives. 

5. Anxiety Inhaler 

The best carry-on for the anxious traveler! Whether you have a fear of planes or just need something to help you transition from work to vacation mode, the Anxiety Inhaler is for you. It is a homemade blend containing grapefruit, ylang ylang and frankincense essential oils. These oils help to relieve stress and calm the mind. Also, taking in deep breaths through the nose is always beneficial for reducing anxiety.

6. Roll-On Dark Circle Oil

Between staying out late, exploring the sights of a new place (which usually entails lots of walking), and adjusting to a new schedule, traveling can really take a toll on your skin and body. This Dark Circle removal oil blend is made from 100% natural ingredients, including fennel and geranium oil, which help improve the elasticity of your skin. Massaging it onto your under eye area promotes blood circulation and helps dark circles fade away.


7. Headache Relief Oil

Headaches can come at any time due to a variety of causes and take you by surprise. This blend of peppermint, lavender, marjoram and chamomile in jojoba oil can simply be rolled straight onto your skin, focusing on the back of the neck, temples and forehead. Depending on the severity of the headache, it can be used as a substitute for ibuprofen, or to supplement it. 


Thanks for reading! xoxo


*~Valentine's Day Special~* Aphrodisiac Essential Oils & How to Use Them February 13, 2017 16:24 13 Comments


a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.
Aphrodisiacs come in all different shapes and sizes; eating oysters, listening to a certain type of music, and even fragrances can evoke a strong sense of desire. It's a concept that's been around since the era of the Ancient Romans. Scent is a very powerful sense that directly triggers a specific part of the brain that is associated with memories and emotions, which is why some scents make excellent aphrodisiacs. Also, as many people know, aromatherapy can help tremendously with relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression-- and when you are calm and content, you are more likely to be in a loving and sensual mood. 
The scents listed below are all beneficial for enhancing sexual desire and the romantic experience as a whole, but in different ways. For instance, some oils are good for boosting your mood and confidence, some enhance libido, and some can even have an effect on the quality and quantity of your orgasms. 

1. Ylang Ylang 

Ylang ylang is a sweet, floral oil that balances emotions and relieves stress. It is a calming and romantic oil that has the ability to slow your heart rate and soothe your worries. 

2. Jasmine

Jasmine is everyone's favorite oil, as its smell is so irresistible. Jasmine oil can boost your confidence and increase your passion. Blend it with rose and sandalwood essential oils, then dilute with coconut oil for a sensual massage oil blend. We even sell a roll-on perfume oil called Love Oil (very appropriately titled), that contains jasmine, rose and sandalwood as well.

3. Patchouli

Patchouli has a spicy and earthy aroma that has calming effects that can be beneficial for creating an amorous atmosphere. Patchouli oil really rounds out essential oil blends and ties everything together. It is a powerful scent with a grounding effect that can boost your mood and confidence-- also check out our special perfume blend called Passion; a sexy and sweet aroma that features patchouli as a main ingredient. 

4. Peppermint

Peppermint Oil is known for its cooling effect and its ability to relieve muscle pain and headaches. But very few people know about its aphrodisiac quality! However, peppermint is a more effective aphrodisiac for women than it is for men. In women, peppermint can have the ability to enhance orgasms and make the erogenous zones more sensitive. Since peppermint is a stimulant, it increases energy levels and makes the mind more aware of sexual arousal and the things that make it feel good.

5. Rose 

Rose oil is the quintessential oil of romance and love. Rose has been used for centuries to evoke feelings of love and sensuality. It is a triple threat-- this essential oil relieves anxiety and promotes emotional strength, enhances libido and balances hormones (in females). Rose makes a great addition to a massage oil if you mix it with neroli, sandalwood and coconut oil. 

6. Vetiver

Vetiver essential oil is a deep, earthy oil that is derived from the strong roots of vetiver grass. It has powerful aphrodisiac qualities in that it increases libido and stabilizes and soothes the mind. Vetiver oil is a very potent scent, so use it conservatively, or in conjunction with other essential oils if you'd like. Vetiver is great for instilling arousing emotions when the time is right!

7. Lavender 

Lavender essential oil has a desirable and calming herbal aroma with an accent of sweetness. Lavender is known for reducing stress, which is beneficial to getting in a romantic mood. It also increases blood flow and is especially stimulating to men. Lavender is mild enough to put right on your skin in small amounts, but be careful if you have sensitive skin. Drawing a lavender bath or spraying a blend of lavender and distilled water onto your sheets and pillows are excellent ways to experience lavender's wonderful effects. 


** Remember to dilute your essential oils before applying them to your skin with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil! Also, refrain from applying essential oils to sensitive areas such as the genitalia. **

Our All Natural Perfume Workshop! (2/5/17) February 10, 2017 14:25 4 Comments

Making perfume with essential oils is a fun and easy process that can be done at home if you have the right materials and knowledge! We had a workshop here at the store, Earth Speaks, on Sunday, February 5th and it was a wonderful time. Everyone made two unique essential oil blends and combined them with either alcohol (for perfume), or rose water (for toner). All of the scents were so original and complex, and it will be exciting to see how they change over time. Below, I've posted photos from the workshop and will describe every step of our perfume-making process. 

 1. Know Your Notes: "Top" notes, "middle" notes and "base" notes are three types of scents that all need to be included in your perfume blends. The oils should be added in the order of base, then middle, then top. The top note scents are what you smell initially, but they fade rather quickly. The middle notes tie it all together and are the basis of the fragrance, and the base notes linger and deepen over time. We talked about this topic when we first began the workshop. 

* Our materials included a wide variety of essential oils, 15 mL dark tinted glass bottles with spray tops, 5 mL "testing tubes," 10 mL dark tinted glass bottles with roller tops, droppers, beakers for pouring, jojoba oil, grain alcohol, rose water, lavender water, labels, pens, paper and aromatherapy books. * 

2. Making Your Unique Blend: After we learned about the different components of a fragrance, we all experimented in tiny 5 mL tubes with various essential oil blends. We continued to add oils, using our noses to see what it was lacking, and kept track of how many drops of each oil we used.

 3. Recording Your Recipe: We all took the time to write down every oil that we used in our blends, and how many drops of each oil. Once we reached our ideal scent, we simply repeated the recipe over and over until we filled up our 5 mL testing tubes. 

4. Dilution: Finally, we diluted our essential oil blends using either grain alcohol (for perfume spray), jojoba oil (for a roll-on) or rose water (for a toner). Since the bottles were about 15 mL, we used 5 mL of essential oil and 10 mL of alcohol (or rose water/ lavender water) for a 30% concentration. For the toners, we made it a tiny bit less concentrated-- about 25%-- since you may be spraying it onto your face.

5. Make Your Label: All of the final products turned out so well! After bottling our fragrances, we transcribed the ingredients onto blank labels and named our blends. One woman chose to give her fragrances visual symbols instead of names, which is also very cool! 

We will send out an email every time we have a workshop, at least a week or two in advance. Simply send an email to to RSVP. Also, if you would like to set up a party or get together with friends in the form of a workshop with us, we would love to have you! Send us an email with the subject line "Private Workshop Inquiry," and we will get back to you with the prices and availability.

Thanks for reading! :-)

Top 5 Essential Oils for Cold & Flu January 13, 2017 17:25 2 Comments

Over the counter cold and flu medications and decongestants can leave you feeling drowsy, fuzzy and unpleasant. As a result, essential oils and natural remedies are becoming widespread ways to fight sickness and compromised immune systems. In addition, the prolonged use of synthetic cough and cold relieving drugs isn't healthy for your body on the whole. 

We've selected our top 5 favorite essential oils that are used to help relieve symptoms of the cold and flu. They also help the body to fight off infection, strengthen the immune system and can even prevent you from getting sick in the first place! 


1. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is probably the most well-known of all the cold and flu relieving oils. Its strong, herbal scent makes it an ideal decongestant for both the nasal passages and the chest & throat. 

Method: Add 2-5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil into about 4-6 cups of hot water that has been brought to a boil. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam from the bowl of water. Adding eucalyptus to your bath or shower is also very helpful.


2. Frankincense Oil 

Frankincense has been used for just about everything throughout history, and its use as a chest decongestant and cold remedy is often overlooked. Frankincense relieves tightness in the chest and deepens your breath. 

Method: You can use frankincense the same way as eucalyptus (see above). You can also make a massage oil using frankincense, eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon, diluted in a carrier oil such as coconut oil. Proceed to rub it onto your chest and throat.


3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is the type of oil that should be in everyone's medicine cabinet, as it is a strong all natural antiviral. Tea tree oil actually fights infections, rather than just masking the symptoms. 

Method: Use tea tree oil when you feel a cold coming on, or at the first signs of the cold or flu. Add a few of drops to a hot bath (along with lavender oil if you choose) to help fight infection. Tea tree is also a germ killer, so you can use it to make a homemade cleaning spray. 


4. Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary is pretty similar to eucalyptus oil in that they both have potent herbal aromas, and are adept at relieving congestion. Rosemary is an immune-booster and is beneficial for the immune system when diffused in the air. 

Method: Combine peppermint, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils and drop onto a washcloth. Place it under the nose and inhale deeply. You can also take the same blend and dilute it in a carrier oil (i.e. grapeseed, olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc.) and rub or massage it onto your chest. 


5. Thieves Oil

Thieves oil is actually a common blend of a few different essential oils- clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary- all of which are excellent for the immune system and relieving colds. It also clears mold from the air when diffused. As an added bonus, Thieves has a delightfully warm and spicy aroma. 

FUN FACT: During the outbreak of the bubonic plague, thieves would cover their hands and bodies with this oil blend so that they could rob the dead. They believed the thieves oil protected them from contracting the plague. This common practice is where the name 'Thieves oil' comes from.

Method: Add thieves oil to a spray bottle filled with distilled water and a tiny bit of alcohol and use to clean surfaces and kill germs to prevent spreading illness. Diffuse to eliminate airborne bacteria. Dilute Thieves oil with a carrier oil to make a multi-purpose massage oil (for chest, shoulders and neck). 


AWESOME SALES & New Products for the Holidays!! November 10, 2016 14:51 2 Comments


Believe it or not, it's that time of the year again! The holiday season is steadily approaching and some of us have already begun our quest for the perfect gift. And nothing says 'one of a kind' like a gift that is handcrafted in our beloved Brooklyn, New York-- and luckily for you we've got plenty of those. 

We've decided to participate in the whole "Cyber Monday" craze and offer some special deals to our wonderful neighbors, friends and customers far and wide. 


1. Take 20% off orders equal to or above $50.00. Valid all day from 12 AM to 11:59 PM on Monday, November 28th. 

Discount Code: 16KXXGPIAKFE

2. Take 15% off any items in our new collection, "Mists." Valid all day from 12 AM to 11:59 PM on Monday, November 28th. 

Discount Code: ZVZ3P0KQ4C9A

** Also keep in mind that if you live in NYC or nearby, then you can come into our store anytime between Thanksgiving & New Years to receive special deals on some of our products (i.e. if you spend over a certain amount you get a discount).  


We are constantly concocting new creations in our shop, whether it be Terrarium Jewelry, an essential oil blend or a new type of soap or candle. 



Our new collection of handmade essential oil-based aromatherapy mists has been well-received by our local customers and customers from our run at Chelsea Market. 

A little bit about our Mists:

- Made using pure essential oils diluted in grain alcohol

- Multipurpose; can be used as a perfume or body mist, room spray or linen spray

- Specifically designed to provide different benefits that can be experienced through aromatherapy




We have also recently created a Motion Sickness Inhaler that is not packaged or labeled quite yet, containing essential oils of dill weed, ginger, grapefruit, peppermint and chamomile. 

Also in the works are as follows: all natural Deodorant, massage oil for menopause, aromatherapy inhaler to help quit smoking, and antibacterial hand spray. Stay tuned! 


New Mist Collection:

Special Offers During Atlantic Antic Street Festival! September 19, 2016 14:52 1 Comment

The time has come again for the Atlantic Antic-- the "oldest and largest street festival in Brooklyn, New York!" (Atlantic Avenue LDC). The Atlantic Antic is tons of fun, kicking off the autumn season with a variety of live musical performances, delicious food from local vendors, art, and lots of shopping. Every year our store participates in this festival, celebrating with one-time only discounts and sales on various items. Continue reading below to find out what we're planning for this year's Antic! 

The Air Plant Hair Clip! 

An Atlantic Antic special! We don't typically make or sell these throughout the year-- only at this particular festival. We also create "crowns" or headbands with one or multiple air plants attached. "Living Accessories" is what we like to call them :-) 

Discounts on Terrarium Jewelry!

Up to 40% off select items in our handmade Terrarium Jewelry collection! Includes rings, earrings and necklaces. Our Terrarium Jewelry is all handmade using natural materials such as moss and dried flowers, all encapsulated in glass.  

New Essential Oil Perfumes! 

(Photo: @earthspeaks_bk on Instagram) 

We've been hard at work the past few weeks, cooking up some new all natural perfume recipes! Pictured above is "Earth Oil," an herbal and refreshing scent that was made into both a perfume spray and an essential oil diffuser blend. We have a few other new scents as well, all making their debut this Sunday at Atlantic Antic.  

Extended Collection From Our Latest Local Artist!

(Photos: @RoxannSlate on Etsy)

The most recent artist to join our co-op is glass jewelry artist Roxann Slate. A Brooklyn native, all of Roxann's pieces are "...created by heating rods of glass in a 2,000 degree flame" (RoxannSlate, Etsy). She will be bringing a much larger collection of her jewelry to Atlantic Antic than what we have currently on display in our store.  

Free Samples and More Sale Items! 

There will of course be free samples available, featuring some of the perfume oil fragrances. There will also be testers of all our unique oil blends to try out! In addition, we will be having a sale on countless other items in our shop, such as the hanging terrariums, both pre-made and DIY! 

So come and enjoy the music, art, food and shopping and celebrate your favorite NYC borough. There will be a plethora of handmade goods and discounted items! As you can tell, we are excited. Hope to see you all there!! 



Our Summer DIY Skin Care Workshop! August 4, 2016 15:33

The second to last weekend in July, we hosted an essential oil workshop at our store in Brooklyn! We all had a lot of fun making our own custom blends using essential oils and carrier oils that we hand-picked to suit our unique skin types. Essential oils are also used in the practice of aromatherapy, which can cater to a variety of physical and mental issues, so we took that into consideration when choosing our oils. We learned about ratios and how to dilute essential oils in making skin care products. In the end, everyone went home with a 2 oz. spray bottle of toner and a 1 oz. bottle of face oil that they made that day!

1. Carrier oils: A carrier oil is a mild vegetable-based oil that is often used in aromatherapy to dilute essential oils so that they can be applied to the skin. The photo above depicts the carrier oil options that we had available at our workshop!  

2. Essential oils: We had a wide array of essential oils available for use, ranging from the more pricey oils (sandalwood, rose, jasmine) to the more basic common oils (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus). 

3. More Materials: In addition to our ingredients, we were also equipped with all of the necessary containers and tools for the workshop. This included dark-tinted glass bottles (to preserve the oil over time), droppers, and various types of beakers, funnels and pumps for distributing oil into the bottles.  

3. Studying! In addition to a verbal lecture/conversation about oils, there was also a ton of written reference material handy. Those involved in the workshop were encouraged to flip through our books about aromatherapy and skin care while formulating recipes for their oil blends. 


4. Lots of Smelling: As much reading as you may end up doing about essential oils, the decision really comes down to one of our most powerful senses: smell. 

5. Finalizing Our Recipes: After much studying and field research smelling the oils, we finally come to a decision about what to put in the face oil and toner. It is important to keep it simple and not choose too many ingredients for our blends, because that can get very complicated. Certain oils mix well together and some may not. It is all part of their chemistry.  

6. Samples! We first concocted small samples of our oil blends and toners, so that we could test them out and see if we liked them. It was important to see which scent was too strong or what the blend was lacking as a whole. The same proportions were used in the samples as used in the larger volumes. 

7. Finished Products: After mixing and adjusting oil blends and toners, we made sure that every bottle was labeled with its list of contents. Everyone had the pleasure of taking home the results of their hard work, their very own custom oil blends specifically tailored to their needs. How amazing is that! 

If you want to know more about our workshops, please email us at, or join our email list, which is at the bottom of the home page of our website (just to keep up with our workshop schedule and any other special offers-- we won't spam you!). Or you can always come talk to us in person at our shop on Atlantic Avenue. Our workshops are fun, affordable and educational! 

Essential Oil Blends for the Summertime July 15, 2016 16:59

Essential oils can be the perfect antidote to brutal summer heat-- and if you live in a city like we do, summer may also bring unpleasant smells and sweaty crowds. In this post we will be discussing different essential oil blends that you can concoct yourself, as well as suggesting some of our own products that we've deemed perfect for summertime! 

Genres of Essential Oils for Summer

If you know a bit about essential oils, then you may have heard them described or categorized by types of aromas. For example, "woody" or "earthy," "citrus," "herbal," "floral," etc. For hot, stuffy or humid summer air, excessively spicy or woody oils tend to be too much. Also, when used on the body, spice oils create warming sensations rather than cooling ones. 

So we like to stick with the light and uplifting oils such as herbal, citrus and floral types. In the heat, we are more likely to get drowsy or tired quicker, so it is good to use oils that energize and refresh. 

Must-Have Essential Oils for Summer

Here are some examples of oils that we like to use in the summertime:


1. Peppermint Oil 

Peppermint is the ultimate cooling essential oil. It is often used to ease muscle pains and headaches because of this deep cooling sensation that targets the area you apply it. It is a very stimulating oil that can also we used to give you a mental boost throughout the hot afternoon. 

DIY Diffuser Blend: Peppermint, Sweet Orange and Lime.

Our Pick: We carry an essential oil inhaler of that exact blend (above), called Mental Focus. Perfect for studying or just a little pick-me-up during your commute.


2. Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass has a perfectly fresh, lemony scent that is very uplifting, both in terms of energy and emotions. As an added summer bonus, it also naturally repels mosquitos!

DIY Diffuser Blend: Lemongrass, thyme, eucalyptus and basil (a very herbal blend). 

Our Pick: 'Roll-On Energizing Oil' perfume oil works wonders for anything from headaches (simply roll it onto your temples and massage) to boosting your level of alertness throughout the day. Also try our 'Vitality' diffuser blend, which is a mixture of lemongrass and grapefruit essential oils. 

3. Geranium Oil

Geranium Oil has a floral aroma that is incredibly unique, almost reminiscent of a citrus oil. Geranium is known to lessen mental fatigue, and keep away insects! Its lovely floral aroma also makes for an excellent summer perfume component. 

DIY Diffuser Blend: Lavender, Geranium and Roman Chamomile.

Our Pick: Our new 'Sensuality' Be Home diffuser oil is a mixture of ylang ylang, geranium, palma rosa and patchouli, creating just the right balance of aromas. 


4. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus has been a classic go-to oil for ages. It is most commonly known for its use as a decongestant and antiseptic. It blends well with other oils to make pleasant and refreshing fragrances for diffusers and perfume oils. Eucalyptus acts as both an insect repellant as well as an antidote to bites and stings. 

DIY Diffuser Oil: Peppermint, eucalyptus, clove and lemongrass. 

Our Pick: We make a 'Breathe Easy' Perfume Oil that is a cooling and invigorating blend of eucalyptus, basil, rosemary and marjoram. 

5. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a calming oil, often used to reduce stress and anxiety. It has a floral aroma that mixes well with mint and citrus scents. Lavender adds a relaxing and grounding undertone that evens out the intensity of an oil such as peppermint. 

DIY Diffuser Oil: Lavender, Cypress, Juniper Berry, Peppermint. 

Our Pick: Our 'Balance' diffuser oil is a simpler version of the mixture listed above. It contains just Lavender and Peppermint oils, which work together in a completely harmonious way. 

Thank you for reading and enjoy the remainder of the summer! Stay cool and take out those essential oils!


On Sale Now at the Museum of the City of New York! July 1, 2016 15:39

Last weekend we had the opportunity to conduct a pop-up sale at the Museum of the City of New York, a beautiful museum that focuses on the rich history of NYC and features locally made products in its gift shop and pop-ups. We are lucky to also have our Be Beautiful organic skin care products and handmade Terrarium Jewelry in their gift shop's permanent collection.

We will soon be doing more pop-ups there, potentially alongside some other made-in-NYC vendors! Museum of the City of New York is located across from Central Park on the East side, at 1220 5th Avenue. Below are some photos of our setup! 

The products that are on display now in the gift shop is our all natural Insect Repellant, Classic Face Oil, Neroli Body Oil, Lemongrass Grapefruit Lip Balm, Roll-On Energizing Oil, a couple other roll-on perfume oils and all of our essential oil Inhalers. For Terrarium Jewelry, we have rings, small, medium and large earrings, earrings with semi-precious stones and small to large necklaces. Stop by and check it out!