How to Make Natural Scrub July 18, 2020 17:19 535 Comments



Making natural exfoliating scrub is a fun and easy at-home activity that you can do anytime. It even uses some ingredients that you might already have lying around the house, such as coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and more. It can be a simple process and is very tactile and sensory-oriented, making it a great activity you can do with children. Try it today by following our step-by-step instructional below!

In making a natural scrub, you have to make a few decisions to start. For instance, are you making a face or body scrub (or both)? Do you, or the scrub user, have sensitive skin? What types of scents do you usually prefer? Are there any specific benefits that you're trying to get from using your scrub?
Once you have thought about what you want, then you can begin to source or gather your materials. There are a few basic components of any exfoliating scrub.

1. Exfoliant (i.e. sugar, salt, coffee, raw honey, etc.). This is the slightly rough material that will help to polish or exfoliate your skin.

2. Carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, etc). This will typically be some type of vegetable oil that is used to moisturize your skin.  

3. Additional ingredients (i.e. essential oils/ dried herbs for scent and wellness benefits, green tea for antioxidants, fresh fruit for antiaging, vitamin E for scars & natural preservative, etc). These elements of the scrub are optional, but you may want to include some for their many advantages.

Below we've compiled a list of what ingredients might be beneficial in making various types of scrub (with links in blue to shop these products on our website). These are not recipes-- just useful info to reference when making your scrub recipe.
- Sensitive skin: Chamomile oil, lavender oil, apricot kernel oil, brown sugar.
- Circulation: Ginger oil, Warm Spice oil blend, lemongrass oil, turmeric. 
- Scar Repair: Vitamin E, lavender oil, tea tree oil, rosehip oil, almond oil, sage oil.
- Face Scrub: Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, lavender oil, granulated sugar, pureed papaya, green tea, honey, jojoba oil, turmeric.
- Body Scrub: Dead sea salt, coffee, coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, orange oil, hemp seed oil.
- Simple hydration and skin rejuvenation: Coconut oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, geranium oil, frankincense oil, granulated sugar, olive oil, jojoba oil, Vitality oil blend.
- Anti-aging: Pureed strawberries, green tea, argan oil, frankincense oil, carrot seed oil, rosehip oil, cedarwood oil.
- Cellulite removal: Grapefruit oil, black pepper oil, geranium oil, raw sugar, coffee. 
- Antiseptic/ Acne: Honey, tea tree oil, grapeseed oil, lemon oil, jojoba oil, cane sugar. 
- Muscle Pain Relief: Peppermint oil, black pepper oil, Balance oil blend, epsom salt, Earth oil blend.
When making a homemade natural scrub, you may want to have the following tools on hand to help the process:
- A medium to large mixing bowl
- A large spoon, preferably flat
- A small container with a lid for your completed scrub (for this recipe we'll be making a small amount, about 4 ounces). 
- Measuring cups & spoons
- Dropper and small bottle/ vial or dish for mixing essential oils (optional)
Create a nice workspace for yourself, probably in a kitchen or dining room. Wherever you have space to play and make a little bit of a mess!
Adding essential oils is an optional step. You may want to consider it, since they hold a variety of skin care, health and aromatherapy benefits. Plus they smell great! If you'd like to use more than one essential oil, then you'll have to make a blend-- use a separate small bottle/vial or dish to mix your essential oils.

For a 4 oz. scrub, you will want to use 3% or lower of essential oils. That means use about 72 drops of essential oil or less.

Try to keep it simple and include no more than 3 different essential oils in your blend. Refer to our list in Step 2, or do some research and decide on which oils you'd like to use. Then build your recipe and write it down. For example:

30 drops grapefruit oil
21 drops black pepper oil
21 drops geranium oil
If you wish to include green tea or any other kind of tea in your scrub, it is advised to begin brewing it in boiled water early on. This way, it will be cooled in time to add to your other ingredients. For our recipe, you can do the following:

- Steep 1 teabag in 1/4 cup of boiling water and let cool.
- If you are using coffee grounds: Mix 1/2 cup fresh coffee grounds with 2 tbsp hot water and let cool.
The recipe we're working with calls for the following:
1/2 cup total of exfoliant (4 oz.)
1/8 cup of carrier oil (1 oz.)
72 drops (or less) essential oil 
2 tbsp miscellaneous ingredients (dried herbs, pureed fruit, honey, etc.)
1/4 cup of brewed, cooled tea (2 oz.)

The last three ingredients are optional and up to your discretion which, if any, you'd like to add. Even the amounts above are up to you! If you want a little more hydration, you can do equal parts oil and exfoliant (1/2 cup of each). If it's for acne prone skin, you can cut the oil in half and use apple cider vinegar for the other half. Get creative with it :)
This is the fun part! Making a homemade scrub is all about consistency. The texture and balance of ingredients in your scrub has to be just right; you want it to be easy and pleasant to use. That means a balance of the dry and wet components.
1. Pour your dry ingredients into the mixing bowl (if coffee grounds are used, make sure they have cooled to room temp).
2. Add the carrier oil one tbsp at a time while stirring with your spoon. Stop when you have a good consistency; not too runny and not too dry or crumbly. If you have added the entire amount of oil from the recipe and it's still too sandy, you can add more carrier oil.
3. Once your tea has cooled completely, you can add that in. Also stir in any other additional ingredients that you've selected to use.
4. Add your essential oil blend using a dropper. Count out 72 drops (or less) as you add it to the mixture.
Using your hands or a spoon, scoop the scrub into your small container until it is full. Smooth down the top-- and if you want to get fancy, put a little rose bud or dried herb garnish on the top before screwing on the cap. This is particularly nice for gifts. And you're good to go!
If you are unable to (or don't feel like), making your own, feel free to shop our handmade natural scrubs on our online shop using the link below!
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