Special Offers During Atlantic Antic Street Festival! September 19, 2016 14:52 1 Comment

The time has come again for the Atlantic Antic-- the "oldest and largest street festival in Brooklyn, New York!" (Atlantic Avenue LDC). The Atlantic Antic is tons of fun, kicking off the autumn season with a variety of live musical performances, delicious food from local vendors, art, and lots of shopping. Every year our store participates in this festival, celebrating with one-time only discounts and sales on various items. Continue reading below to find out what we're planning for this year's Antic! 

The Air Plant Hair Clip! 

An Atlantic Antic special! We don't typically make or sell these throughout the year-- only at this particular festival. We also create "crowns" or headbands with one or multiple air plants attached. "Living Accessories" is what we like to call them :-) 

Discounts on Terrarium Jewelry!

Up to 40% off select items in our handmade Terrarium Jewelry collection! Includes rings, earrings and necklaces. Our Terrarium Jewelry is all handmade using natural materials such as moss and dried flowers, all encapsulated in glass.  

New Essential Oil Perfumes! 

(Photo: @earthspeaks_bk on Instagram) 

We've been hard at work the past few weeks, cooking up some new all natural perfume recipes! Pictured above is "Earth Oil," an herbal and refreshing scent that was made into both a perfume spray and an essential oil diffuser blend. We have a few other new scents as well, all making their debut this Sunday at Atlantic Antic.  

Extended Collection From Our Latest Local Artist!

(Photos: @RoxannSlate on Etsy)

The most recent artist to join our co-op is glass jewelry artist Roxann Slate. A Brooklyn native, all of Roxann's pieces are "...created by heating rods of glass in a 2,000 degree flame" (RoxannSlate, Etsy). She will be bringing a much larger collection of her jewelry to Atlantic Antic than what we have currently on display in our store.  

Free Samples and More Sale Items! 

There will of course be free samples available, featuring some of the perfume oil fragrances. There will also be testers of all our unique oil blends to try out! In addition, we will be having a sale on countless other items in our shop, such as the hanging terrariums, both pre-made and DIY! 

So come and enjoy the music, art, food and shopping and celebrate your favorite NYC borough. There will be a plethora of handmade goods and discounted items! As you can tell, we are excited. Hope to see you all there!!