Norwegian Baked - NEW: Chili & Coriander Knekkebrød / Crispbread
$ 10.99
Break into a Scandinavian tradition! Norwegian Baked Knekkebrød is a seeded, fiber-rich crispbread that’s both nutritious and addictively delicious. Heartier than a cracker, this naturally vegan and organic Knekkebrød is the perfect accompaniment to any meal. Infused with freshly ground spices and a hint of lemon, our zestiest variety pops with flavor and a hint of heat. Try topping our NEW Chili and Coriander crispbread with avocado, a mild cheddar or creamy camembert. Embrace our wholesome Nordic custom and revolutionize your daily routine. Enjoy, or as we say in Norway, velbekomme!
Note: We put a best before date of 4 months as our Knekkebrød is handcrafted with organic ingredients and no preservatives.